White Cross Condemns Violation of Humanitarian Agreements
In a disturbing incident today, according to White Cross, a NRG mine-protected vehicle (MiSu) failed to yield to a White Cross ambulance during a firefight, using the ambulance as a “human shield.” The MiSu also fired a machine gun at the ambulance’s windshield.
Adding to the chaos, CN forces fired paladin rockets at the ambulance, disregarding the vehicle’s protected status under humanitarian agreements. One rocket ricocheted off the roof, nearly destroying the entire ambulance.
White Cross Statement
White Cross has condemned the day’s events, stating: “Today’s incidents will negatively affect White Cross’s relationships with all parties involved.”

Coalition of Nordberg’s Response
The CN released a statement claiming: “The agreement was for White Cross to leave the combat area immediately. Contrary to this agreement, White Cross returned to the combat zone and shielded an enemy military target, which in this case was the MiSu. The firing at the White Cross vehicle was unintentional but justified. Using civilian vehicles to protect military targets makes them legitimate targets.”
This incident highlights the ongoing challenges and dangers faced by humanitarian organizations operating in conflict zones. For further updates, stay tuned to Battlefield Bulletin.