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As the fighting organizations are vaccinated, civilians may still need to wait – “Logistical issue”, says Pharma

As Fighting Organizations are Vaccinated, Civilians May Still Need to Wait

“Logistical issue,” Says Protoncore Pharma

Protoncore Pharmaceuticals, the company that developed a vaccine for the aggressive virus sweeping through Nordberg in record time, is now facing significant challenges in administering the vaccine to the civilian population. While the fighting factions, including the Northern Royal Guard (NRG) and the Coalition of Nordberg (CN), are receiving their doses, civilians are left waiting due to logistical constraints.

The rapid distribution to the military factions is attributed to their existing logistical capabilities. “Naturally, the fighting factions are used to these kinds of logistical tasks,” a Protoncore spokesperson explained. However, this has left civilians, who lack such infrastructure, without timely access to the vaccine.

Behind the scenes, there are whispers that financial incentives might be influencing the prioritization. Protoncore is reportedly making substantial profits from vaccinating soldiers, but the company maintains that the delays for civilians are purely logistical.

For the residents of Nordberg, who continue to suffer from both the ongoing conflict and the virus, the delay in vaccine distribution adds another layer of hardship. Efforts to improve logistics and expedite civilian vaccinations are urgently needed to curb the spread of the virus and bring relief to the beleaguered nation.

For more updates on the vaccine distribution and the situation in Nordberg, stay tuned to Battlefield Bulletin.

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